On Thursday 25th June all of the sixty families enrolled on the HIPPY (Home Interaction Programme for Parents and Youngsters) Programme were invited to attend a morning of fun activities to celebrate the HIPPY work they have done so far this year. The event was held in the Parakai School Hall.
Parents and children enjoyed working together on fun activities which included making insect hats, stuffed paper creatures, beading, sewing pictures, lolly necklaces and butterfly mobiles. All of the HIPPY children received certificates for “working hard on their HIPPY”. They were also presented with a copy of ‘The Goodbye Chair’ by Jo Barr, which was kindly sponsored by the Helensville Lions. All of the attending siblings were also given a storybook.
A special visiting group of children and parents from Te PunaWai
O Kaipara attended and entertained everyone with an enjoyable set of action songs led by their kaiako Rita Walker. The morning ended with a shared morning tea.
If you have a child between 3 ½ and 4 ½ and would like to have support in preparing your child for school contact the coordinator Bernie Malizia on 420 7434 or 021 0220 6017.