School holidays at Helensville Library: Monday 6 July to Saturday 18 July Come one, come all and get crafty these holidays. Matariki-themed crafts available in the library, all day, every day.
Matariki-themed storytimes (aimed at under-5s, but all ages welcome):Tuesday 7 and 14 July 10.30-11am Matariki-themed Wriggle & Rhyme sessions (aimed at under-2s, but all ages welcome): Thursday 8 and 15 July 10.30-11am. Tuesday 28 July 10.30-11am: Te Wiki o te Reo Storytime Thursday 30 July 10.30-11am: Te Wiki o te Reo Wriggle & Rhyme We are collecting items of baby knitting for Rodney Plunket. All donations gratefully received. For those seeking the last few Countdown Super Animals cards, we have hundreds for you to look through.