Helensville LibraryHelensville Library1

Winter cold and storms makes for perfect reading – or listening – weather, and Helensville Library can cater to your reading / listening whims. Did you know that you can download eBooks and eAudiobooks from home, not to mention reading magazines and newspapers from around the world, our staff are able to assist you with this.

Don’t have a library membership? Bring along photo ID and a recent letter with your name and physical address on it, and we can sort it out.

We have started collecting knitted items for Rodney Plunket. Fish ‘n ‘ Chips jumpers and bootees are most needed. Ask us if you have any questions.

Hunting down those pesky last Countdown Super Animals cards? We have a HEAP of both series one and series two. Donations gratefully received, too.

As always, we have Storytime on a Tuesday morning (10.30-11am). Storytime is aimed at 3-5 year olds, and is a mix of stories, music and rhymes.

On Thursday mornings (10.30-11am) we shift the focus to our youngest customers with Wriggle & Rhyme (aimed at 0-2 year olds). Wriggle & Rhyme is a fun, free programme that provides positive movement experiences to stimulate development of both the brain and the body for babies. Older pre-schoolers are also welcome to attend Wriggle & Rhyme sessions, which are based on the Active Movement set of 14 activity guides using a range of music and movement.

You can follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/HelensvilleLibrary, and find out more on the Auckland Libraries’ website: www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz.

Anne Coppell | Senior Librarian – Children & Youth, Helensville
Auckland Libraries | Nga Whare Matauranga o Tamaki Makaurau
Ph 09 420 8163
Auckland Council, Helensville Library, 49 Commercial Road, Helensville 0800

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/HelensvilleLibrary
Visit our website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Visit the Library website: www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz

Twitter: Auckland_Libs