by Helen Martin
Manager Jason Gwilliams is very pleased that, while Helensville Motorcycle Services has been open in its newly refurbished Mill Road premises only a few weeks, business is booming and a customer base is being steadily established.
The services Jason and technician Bruce Saunders offer include lubes and WOFs, as well as repair of all brands of dirt bike, quad and side-by-side, with quad servicing bringing in the most customers so far. “So many people in the area own bikes and quads and they’re used to having to go out of Helensville to have them repaired. Now they’re enjoying the free pickup and drop-off service available to those living locally,” explains Jason.
In the retail department tyres, spare parts and clothing can be ordered in and picked up the next day. In the pipeline are plans to retail new and used ATVs and motorcycles; a feature of the business Jason believes will prove very popular.
Both Jason and Bruce have been motorbike and off road vehicle enthusiasts pretty much all their lives. Jason, who acquired his first engine at 15, studied mechanics when he first left school and riding has been his hobby and his passion since he was a teenager. Now he rides at the beach or on family farms with his five-year old son Jayden who has a little LC50 quad and his wife Jenna who has a 125.
Bruce, who has been a Sales Manager for Harley Davidsons and has done performance engineering on bikes and tractors, has been riding motorbikes and dirt bikes as long as he can remember, including spending some time racing.
“Anything to do with motorbikes and quads is of interest to us,” says Jason. “Whether the vehicle is on road or off road, whether its purpose is for work or pleasure, we’re keen to help customers get the best out of their machines. We’re already becoming known for having up to the minute expertise and for providing good, professional service.”