It has been such a long wet winter but now the trees are budding, we can look forward to Spring and feeling more energised.
August saw our Lions Club hosting Waimauku Lions and our new District Governor. She outlined her aspirations for the coming Lions year and the projects being undertaken by Lions locally and internationally.
Through LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation) Lions provide worldwide help with disaster relief; saving sight; supporting youth; and meeting humanitarian needs. Each Club donates to the Foundation and our District for 2014/15, has donated over USD24 thousand. Some examples of help given are; Solar stoves to Kenya; upgrading a health centre in Nepal and aid to recover after the earthquake in April; Lautoka Diabetes Eye Clinic in Fiji.
We are still collecting foreign and old New Zealand currency; apparently there is still over $80 million of old currency unaccounted for.
Our Lions Christmas cake order will go in shortly, so don’t bake one, be ready to buy a Lions Cake to support us.
Our oldest Lion, John Old who now lives in Rawene, will be 102years old on 9th September so I am sure you will want to join us in wishing him a very Happy Birthday.