Lions LogoThis month we held our first “Pop Up Childrens Book Sale. Despite the inclement weather, we were very happy with the turnout. We would like to express our grateful thanks to the Catholic Church for the use of their Hall and to Helensville Hire for their kindness in letting us borrow some tables
.We have made a start to the final stage in the Riverside Walkway
We talked to a number of prospective members at our stand at the Tennis Club Open Day and it was great to welcome a new member to our Helensville Lions Club.
john-old-103Financial assistance was given to a Kaipara College student to go on the Spirit of Adventure and to a young lady who is training to be a builder, to go to Samoa to help build Homes for Humanity.
We wished Lion John Old a very Happy 103rd Birthday. We believe he is the oldest Lion in New Zealand!!