logo-cab-printIf you’re the sort of person who loves to solve puzzles, or sees themselves as amateur sleuths, then read on. The Helensville Citizens Advice Bureau is seeing new volunteers – the only pre-requisite is having a keen mind, two and a half hours to spare each week, and a desire to help others in your local community.
“You might think in this age when virtually any question can be solved with a quick Google search, there isn’t much need for a Citizens Advice Bureau, but we have noticed a steady year on year increase in the number of people coming in and asking for our help,” says centre manager Karen Rutherford.
Inquiries can be wide and varied – from questions about tenancy rights, to what to do when your new TV breaks down, to directions to the public toilets.
New volunteers undertake a series of training sessions, which can largely be completed online, and are “welcomed like a new member of the family,” says Karen. You will also gain valuable experience, which may help you with future employment.
If your interest has been peaked, please pop into the Citizens Advice Bureau at 27 Commercial Road, Helensville, and Karen will happily answer your questions and get you started on the road to becoming a valued volunteer. You can also reach her on 09-420-7162, or email, manager.helensville@cab.org.nz.