IMG_0147A representative from Auckland Museum’s Online Cenotaph project will be visiting the Kaukapakapa Library on Sunday 18th September, 10 am to 1 pm. Online Cenotaph is a comprehensive online hub for stories of New Zealand service personnel, developed by Auckland Museum, containing the records of approximately 150,000 men and women who served for New Zealand from the 19th Century through to today.
Auckland Museum is requesting the help of communities throughout New Zealand to enhance these records further. For example, learn to lay a virtual poppy against a specific person’s name and contribute additional information and images to the record. Please come along and meet the expert who can teach you how to use Online Cenotaph and help you #DiscoverYourConnection.
Library open on the third Sunday every month in conjunction with Kaukapakapa Village Market. For more information contact Megan, ph 021 959 017 or email