Tuesday April 12th, Kaukapakapa Year 1 and 2 “Days Gone By” afternoon was a culmination of our topic for this term” My Local community- Past and Present” The four Junior classes rotated around four activities.
1. Olden Day school lesson
2. Butter making
3. Traditional outdoor games: Hopscotch, sack races, Ring a Ring a Rosie
4. Traditional Indoor Games: Knuckle bones and Paper Dolls.
We have looked at Kaukapakapa in the past and present. The children had to compare their life now to how children lived in the past, home life and school life. We looked at labour saving devices we have now e.g. washing machines. In the past washing took a whole day. We discussed what we do with all the spare time we have now.
Trish Skipper (year 1 and 2 teacher)
Commemorating ANZAC day
With Anzac day falling in the holidays this year our school spent this week commemorating ANZAC day.
To culminate we held class competitions to design a chalk drawing to honour the day. Winners of each class competition added theirs to a school mural.
We are very proud of their work.