Tutors of the Adult Literacy Programme from right: Jenni, Dave, Jim, Noeline and Mike. Absent: Nikki and Soma. Supervisor Tony Morrison is standing
We have seven tutors who are willing and able to offer free and confidential help with reading, writing and numeracy to any adult in a one-to-one setting. This volunteer group of energetic locals is ready to put its collective experience at your disposal to assist fellow Rodney folk with literacy issues.
Typically tutors meet learners for about an hour a week for a number of weeks. Learners stay until they feel they have made significant improvement in their

Tony Morrison
and Frank Veacock
reading, writing and number ability. Since we began in March we have trained about a dozen tutors and put nearly a dozen students through aspects of the programme.
The programme is managed by Frank Veacock of the South Kaipara Men’s Trust and supervised by Tony Morrison, an adult educator with over 30 years’ experience in this area.
We welcome enquiries from people who would like to improve any aspects of their written or spoken English as well as their numeracy. We have access to tutorial rooms in both Helensville and Parakai and are happy to come to learners’ homes.
If any of your friends or family members would like help with reading and writing please pass this information on to them.
Contact details:
Frank Veacock: 027 228 8603 / info@skmt.org.nz
Tony Morrison: 027 448 6437/09 420 9971 / kiwimorrison@gmail.com