The Helensville/Parakai Community Christmas Day Lunch event is looking for a new coordinator.
This event has been ticking along quite well since 2012, when the present coordinator went along to help with the cooking. The following year, the lunch was cancelled. However, Raewyn and a few locals gathered together and decided to continue the lunch because it was felt such a worthy event to have in our community. That was in late November 2012, which didn’t leave too much time to ponder. So the lunch staggered to its feet that year and has gained momentum over the next three years. At first it was quite difficult because Raewyn hadn’t done anything quite like a community lunch. She really had to literally go looking for everything that was needed.
For many Christmas can be quite stressful and Raewyn believes the lunch gives individuals, families and even visitors to the area the chance to spend the day in a relaxed and kind environment and to avoid some of the stresses and demands of the day.
Helpers are crucial and our local district has loads of helpers more than prepared to help out for anything from one hour to two days – setting tables, preparing food, taking care of lunch guests and cleaning up afterwards.
Raewyn says she has been very fortunate in that those who helped in 2012 were still there helping in 2015.
There are some key relationships in place for the next coordinator. The event itself is capable of being marketed further and an opportunity to fundraise is there. Many others have indicated a strong and keen desire to participate this year. With the basic needs in place, the organising is nowhere near as difficult as when Raewyn first took it on. The benefits and spin-offs for all who take part in whatever way are truly uplifting and enlightening. Raewyn often has feedback and this is usually the case.
If you can take on a challenge and continue this worthwhile