Our focus is to provide our children with a safe and fun environment where they can develop their fitness, rugby and balls skills in a team environment. In 2016 the club is focusing on doing more to provide these opportunities and develop our involvement in the community and grow on the proud history of the club.
Early 2016 sees the start with registrations at the A&P Show, a Club Day with skills and drills along with Lazer Tag and Girls Only Rippa.
For the first time Girls Only Rippa is being introduced as a north harbor wide competition. No contact, safe and fun. A great alternative to those not wanting to tackle yet still develop most of the skills and team culture rugby offers.
Lazer Tag at the Club Day. For the first time all those who register at the A&P Show and the Club Day you get a free game of Lazer Tag, the ultimate live gaming experience! Open battlefield with obstacles, professionally run with Lazer Combat Riverhead. Family members and kids not registering but wanting to play there is a $5 fee, charge in for a safe and fun battle.
Registrations will be at the A&P Show again on the 27th of February. Come down and meet us, register and get to hear about the new initiatives the club is doing in 2016.
Club Skills and Drills day on the 6th of March. Join us at the Rugby Club for skills and drills with games for the kids. Register on the day
Come down, get involved and be a part of the growth of Helensville rugby and the opportunities we will provide the community.
Fees in 2016 are $75/child with family discounts. Funding available for J1 Players
Everyone that registers at the A&P Show or the Open day get to play Lazer Tag for free.
For further information keep informed on our facebook page, email: brooke.painter@xtra.co.nz or roxmulvany@gmail.com
Brooke Painter 0274 222 639.
RoxeanneMulvany 09 420 4458