Good morning everyone. I’m feeling a bit sad, as today is my last day with the Helensville Railway Station Trust and museum.
My partner and I are moving down to Waihi to live. Once I settle in I will join up with the Goldfields Railway Society, which runs trains from Waihi Station to Waikino.
I started with the Helensville Railway Station Trust in the late 1980s, where I got to know both Arnold Gosling and Gail who had saved the station from demolition. I used to help Arnold and Gail whenever there was a steam excursion to Helensville. One of my recollections was helping out in the kitchen where the team were cooking a traditional railway meal for a charter group – mashed potatoes, meat pie and peas with gravy. Yes, I spent the whole afternoon peeling spuds!
When Arnold passed away I became a Trustee of The Helensville Railway Station, met a new group of people and enjoyed going to the monthly meetings. I enjoyed seeing the development of the Ginger Crunch Café and looking after the memorabilia room. Over the years I have seen and helped out with many train excursions and coach excursions, helping people with their queries and handing on information.
Arnold was a lovely man and I enjoyed working with him and Gail.
When Alan Hargreaves became the Chairman of the Trust one of the memories I have is the development of a new museum building. This was primarily to house the Ross Hughes Model Railway. We also transferred items from the memorabilia room.
One special person I would like to thank is Sandy Wishart. Sandy is a great friend and is very reliable. He always enjoys coming down to the station, talking to the public and watching the Kiwi Rail trains come through. Thanks Sandy!
I would like to thank you, the public, and visitors who have come through the museum and visited the Helensville Railway Station. I have met some interesting people over the years and made some wonderful contacts.
I would also like to thank the Trustees (both past and present) for getting to know each and every one of you. A word of thanks also to our Chairman Alan Hargreaves.
The Facebook page will continue with Scott Osmond writing the reports.
If you are passing through Waihi come and say hello. You will find me on duty down on the platform at the Waihi Railway Station.