As a consequence of the Art Centre moving to new premises the Community Woodcarving Project that used to operate outside the old Art Centre will also be moving. The Pioneer Museum has kindly offered us space behind the museum so we can complete the project and continue to use the space as somewhere anyone can come and learn to carve wood. Many current group members are keen to continue with the Saturday woodcarving sessions and we are happy to help any new learners who wish to join us. We hope to move to the new venue at the end of September and to be up and running for the beginning of October.
Drop by, see what we are up to and you can have a go if you wish. We will be there Saturday mornings from 10am until the afternoon. There will be a sign on the Pioneer Museum fence when we are actually there.
Free to Rodney residents, tools provided, bring your own wood if you have something in mind. Warning: woodcarving is addictive!