The Citizen’s Advice Bureau has been established in Helensville for nearly 20 years and we are very visible…being on the main Road – Commercial Road – between the Pita Pit and the Fish Shop…BUT…do you know what we can actually offer you, the public. As well as information on every subject that you can think of, and even some that you can’t!!
Our office can offer: –
o A Justice of the Peace service most days a week
o We can photocopy forms for you
o You can use our phone if in a bind and it’s a local call
o We can offer a “listening ear” and usually point you in the right direction to “get it sorted”.
o You can phone our duty lawyer – once a month – for a free 20min legal call.
Citizens Advice Bureau, 27 Commercial Road, Helensville
Phone: 09 4207162…………………………………..Fax: 09 4207605
Email: Website: