Kauri Dieback prevention measures By Helen Martin

The kauri tree (Agathisaustralis) is widely regarded as an icon of great national significance and it urgently needs protection. Attacks on its existence in prehistoric times came in the form of volcanic activity, wild storms, fires and landslides. Early Mâori used...

Helensville A&P Show 2016

This year marks Helensville’s 114th A&P Show. In today’s fast paced times where memories are often short, Helensville’s A&P Show remains a steady and beloved event deeply rooted in the heritage of Helensville and its surrounding districts. It’s an institution...

Budget Footnotes

A Guide to who can apply and what the requirements are for a Significant Financial Hardship withdrawal. After having a number of people enquiring after their Kiwisaver here are a few notes on what your Kiwisaver provider requires. WHO CAN APPLY? Any Kiwisaver scheme...

Christmas Day Lunch

The Helensville/Parakai Christmas Day Lunch was held at the War Memorial Hall in Helensville. Some one hundred and twenty locals sat sown to a traditional Christmas Lunch of glazed ham, roast vegetables, salads, lots of local strawberries and dessert. Special thanks...

What’s in a name

My Parents would’ve loved to be alive in this era of personalized plates, especially my Dad who named most of his cars! It amused him when we first put a name to our house and like me I don’t think he realized the significance of it right away. You see I remember it...

Helensville Art Centre

Helensville Art Centre features Lilach Cohen’s 2 and 3-dimensional works, culminating in an installation inspired by her relationship with the sea. Cohen takes viewers through her memories and passionate love of beach and bush, underpinned by her Jewish faith and...