Seeking the Kaukapakapa Hotel’s history

Kaukapakapa resident Megan Paterson is currently researching the history of the Kaukapakapa Hotel. The original Hotel was opened in 1865, initially having an illicit still in the Whakatewai Bush before it was granted a licence.  It burnt down in July 1912 and was...

Kaukapakapa Village Market Pink Ribbon Breakfast

We had a beautiful morning for the Kaukapakapa Village Market Pink Ribbon Breakfast fundraiser and it was great to see so many of our local community enjoying the morning. We raised $607 for the NZBCF from a combination of our breakfast sales – beautifully cooked by...

Blast from the Past

NZ Herald, 5 November, 1913 Schooner on mud banks. Accident at Helensville. The schooner Houto, when leaving yesterday for Whangape missed the channel beyond Mount Rex and struck on the mud bank. It was expected that she would get clear at high water today, but this...

Matariki 2016 at the Art Centre

All artists working in Mâori art forms are invited to exhibit in this open exhibition at the Art Centre, Helensville. The exhibition will feature Muriwai artist Hemi Kiwikiwi who spent time amongst Aboriginal people learning their artistry and also worked as a prop...

June Photography exhibition at Helensville Art Centre

The Art Centre is holding an open exhibition as part of the Auckland-wide Festival of Photography 2016 Programme, which has 64 venues. Helensville is one of only a handful of galleries who have invited the public to be involved in exhibiting. Most galleries have...

Healthline – Part 2 – Label Reading

Per 100g column The 100g column is the most frequently used information. Use the 100g column to compare similar products or to select foods based on specific guidelines. For example to find a breakfast cereal with the highest fibre content, compare the fibre per 100g...