October 22 – 24, 2016
Following the very successful ARTS IN THE VILLE over Labour weekend in 2015, the organising group are well on the way with preparation for another festival this year. We will again have some pop up galleries, venues, and open studios. The weekend will include interactive opportunities and pop up food/café sites. So far, around 40 artists have indicated they will contribute this year, and this just for the Helensville area. We are working closely with Helensville Arts Centre and Helensville Museum and Kaipara Sculpture Trail.
What we need now are
· Contacts from any artists who we have not yet found.
· Knitters who want to assist with the “yarn bombing”, which will take a different approach this year.
· Balls of wool for those busy hands knitting to embellish the town for the weekend.
Contact kuragw@xtra.co.nz. 420 7724.