This popular workshop is returning on Saturday October 15th and still has some space available. Due to sponsorship by the Creative Communities Scheme the cost is just $55. This is a fast moving, exciting workshop where brainstorming, scripting and filming all happen in the space of just seven hours. Participants are encouraged to bring along props, costumes, wigs, musical instruments, puppets or anything they may wish to use, as once things begin there is no stopping. Hank Snell, who has made movies in Canada and the UK as well as New Zealand and has been invited to Buckingham Palace in recognition of a movie he facilitated, runs the workshop.
The movie premier is open for everybody to attend regardless of whether or not they were on the workshop and is at 7pm on Sunday 16th October.
Art Centre, Helensville, Basement of War Memorial Hall, 49 Commercial Road.
To view previous short films pop in during opening times of Tuesday-Friday 10-4.30 or Saturday 10-3.