We had a very enjoyable social meeting this month. We welcomed our 2nd Vice District Governor, Frank King-Turner. He inducted a new LION (always a happy occasion) and then gave us a very interesting talk about Lions Nationally and Internationally. We also welcomed 11 prospective new members – we do so hope they join us to swell our numbers so we can take on more challenges.
One of our Club members gave us a talk on her recent Great New Zealand Trek raising money for the Malaghan Institute. Each year they complete a leg from Cape Reinga to Bluff.
This month we financially helped the Angel Fund with their YMCA Camp as well as our monthly donation to the Food Bank. Also we are helping Radio Lollipop at Starship Children’s’ Hospital to buy headphones.
We have installed Solar Lights to the new Riverside Walkway so with the darker nights, it will be a safer place.
It is coming up to one of our busy times with our Monster Book Fair at the end of May. We look forward to seeing you there.
Look out in early May for our new telephone Directory coming through your letterbox.
Remember: “Where there’s a need
There’s a Lion”