Helensville Lions wish you all a successful New Year. We have re-charged our batteries, ready for the challenges of 2016.
We made a contribution towards the Community Christmas Lunch. This worthwhile, project was very well attended. We have sponsored one of our Lions who has been participating annually in the Great New Zealand Trek to raise money to find a cure for MSC at the Malaghan Institute. We are also sponsoring a group of children from Parakai School to attend a Cooking Club being set up at Te Whare in Parakai.
Another of our members has just hosted two Italian students from the International Lions Youth exchange programme.
Our first meeting of 2016 was our President’s BBQ, followed by meetings to discuss our participation in the A&P Show. We did our usual catering for the judges’ lunches and serving food to the public. We also had an MQ displaying the work of our Lions Club so we hope you all came along and learnt more about us and entered our free raffles. The winners were: Membership Hamper – Peter Line and the winner of an original Hen sculpture kindly donated by Jeff Thomson was Kerry King
To be able to continue to help you and your community, we need you join and help us grow. We are ordinary folk helping where help is needed. We look forward to meeting you.