SC4520088116022613210The Lions Club of Helensville is in the final stages of putting the 2016 Community Directory together for distribution in April.
It has come to our attention that a number of people have been dropped off the phone number list that we purchase from the Yellow Pages Group, usually as a result of changing telcos or making changes to their telephone plans with their existing telco. We would encourage people to check their listing on the White Pages website to ensure that their information is present and correct. If there is something wrong either ring 0800 803 803 or email them at
If doing so by email please copy the Lions Club at so we can ensure the correct information is in our new directory.
For business owners it may not be too late to get an advertisement in the directory. If you are interested either send in the form from page 56 of the current directory or phone
Lyn Curran on 420 9349