Pride as in Group and pride as in what we have been able to achieve for our community.
Over the past 51 year Helensville Lions Club has been able to assist a huge number of different groups and individuals to achieve personal and purposeful goals.
Lets look around Helensville, the playground behind the War Memorial Hall, Rautawhiri Park, St Johns Ambulance Station, Fire Station, Helipad, seats on Commercial Road, planter boxes in town centre, more recently the extended walkway from Creek Lane to the recreational area by the Old BNZ and Post Office, the list goes on.
We have provided all our Schools (Preschool through to Kaipara College) with funds to assist our children to better their education, sporting and cultural opportunities.
We provided a walker for a lad who has Cerebral Palsy enabling him to be mobile. Through our activities we have given pleasure to many folk of all ages. These include our Book Fairs, involvement in Helensville Annual Christmas Festival, also providing a canteen at the A & P Show.
Now WE are looking for help! We need to increase our numbers to enable us to continue our efforts, if you feel you would like to be part of our group (all ages considered) please contact one of the following folk who will willingly provide the answers to any queries you may have.
Our Club meets twice monthly at our clubrooms at Rautawhiri Park. These are usually dinner meetings, which includes socialising, and fellowship. You will always feel most welcome and will be included in our decision-making. Your depth of involvement is your choice.
Through our Club you will meet new folk and form relationships with people of all ages and occupations. Our contacts are worldwide and Lions Club members have an incredible bank of contact and associates.
Do give one of us a call or visit us at our tent at the A & P Show on 27th February.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
We are proud because we serve.
Yvonne Hilton Pauline & Mike O’Neil
Ph: 420 8122 Ph: 420 8208
Chris Clark Marg Collins
Ph: 420 8527 Ph: 420 9267