Denise Marshall carving in her studio

Denise Marshall carving in her studio

Planning for a three-day arts festival to be held in Helensville over Labour weekend (Oct 24th – 26th) from 10am – 4pm each day is gathering momentum.
Promising lots of interactive opportunities the organisers, community activist Kura Geere-Watson, stitcher Jo Dixey and carver Denise Marshall are working to ensure our town puts her best face forward in a celebration of Helensville’s creativity as our local artists showcase their work.
Taking place in the main street, from Art Stop at the southern end of town to Art on Track in the railway station complex at the northern end, the artisan’s trail will be decorated with bright, colourful textile art created especially for the purpose by local residents.
The more than 20 local artists who have agreed to take part include felters, wood workers, painters, carvers, knitters, potters and metal workers. Thanks to the generosity of local landlords, some artists will be on hand to talk about their work in unused shops, re-purposed for the weekend as pop-up galleries.

Jo Dixey stitching in her studio

Jo Dixey stitching in her studio

Other artists, like stitcher Jo Dixey, silk painter Jane Aldridge and milliner Myra Lloydwill be working in their own studios, which will be open to the public, providing an opportunity for people to learn from the artists about their creative process and the provenance of a finished piece.
Other attractions will include buskers, an upcycling display in the St John’s Op Shop window and the monthly Harvest Market at Parakai. Also, the new Helensville Arts Centre will be open to the public for the first time at Labour Weekend.

Kura, Jo and Denise get down to the serious business of knitting bunting for the festival

Kura, Jo and Denise get down to the serious business of knitting bunting for the festival

A map detailing the whereabouts of each activity and of food and parking venues will be available so you can “follow the thread to feel inspired.”
Contributors are welcome. For further information, or to offer your services for all or part of the festival, contact Kura Geere-Watson at 420 7724 or