It’s been a busy Term 3 at Kaukapakapa School and with so much going on the term has flown by.
All year levels have been working on Science all term. This culminated in a Science Fair which was attended by a large group of parents and supporters. 20150917_110717 20150917_110736
Years 1 to 8 participated in cross-country and jump jam twice a week, run by our student leaders. We have also had representative teams out for netball and Rippa.DSC08479 DSCF1624
The junior classes had a wonderful excursion to the Zoo, while senior classes participated in the DARE and Standing Strong programs, run by our Police Education Officer, Constable Dave.
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We’ve had yet another portable classroom lifted in and plans for our wonderful new buildings are well underway.20150915_123833
And of course we continue to produce great results. These are reflected in our recently released ERO report.