THIN ICE – the inside story of climate science, will be screened in the Kaipara College school hall on Tuesday 22nd September at 7.00 pm. Entry is by way of a gold coin.
This multi-award winning documentary on climate change, made by Victoria University of Wellington in conjunction with other sponsors, allows climate scientists to explain simply, and in straight forward language, what’s really going on and why it is important for the 195 countries attending the United Nations Conference on Climate Change to reach an agreement on a plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in coming decades.
This is a great opportunity to bring your sons and daughters, friends and neighbours and be inspired by the wide ranging learning connections made between what is known as Earth’s climate system and the issues it raises for society as a whole. THIN ICE also links to senior NCEA Earth and Space Units of study and is a good conversation topic.
After the screening there will be a panel discussion and Questions and Answer session with the scientific team which made the film, Simon Lamb and Peter Barrett, as well as representatives from inspirational youth organisation Generation Zero. Total running time 90 minutes.