Annie, a life sized fully simulated emergency resus manikin designed for training realism in trauma, life support and lifesaving first aid scenarios, has been recently acquired by St John Helensville-Kumeu. Funds for this highly specialised device were raised from sales at the St John Helensville Op Shop and the local Area Committee.
Several features of the manikin assist the learner practising the care and treatment of injury. The rugged, lifelike manikin has a pulse, breathes and has the ability to simulate symptoms such as bleeding and retching. Its design also allows for realistic movement.
St John Ambulance Station Manager David Baillie plans to utilise Annie for training volunteers, staff and cadets and to offer specific trauma training to local fire fighters and medical staff. “I am very excited about the possibilities. The training experiences we can now provide are excellent and will take our skill and service to a whole new level” says Mr Baillie.
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Annie the simulationmanikin

Annie the simulationmanikin